Malte Gather receives "Proof of Concept" grant from the European Research Council
UoC is one of the top start-up universities in Germany
Go-Bio Initial Booster
Second place at the BioRiverBoost! 2023 for researcher of UoC
ChemCologne Kooperationstag
Co-creating the future of the chemical industry together
Innovation Days
How does transfer be designed from different disciplines and by different scientific actors
Go-Bio Initial Funding Program - The next stage
2 scientists made it to the final stage of the Go-Bio Initial program
InnoDom Cologne start-up center is officially opened
Gateway ESC moves into the new building
Go-Bio Initial Feasibility Stage
5 scientists receive Go-Bio Initial Funding for Innovative Research
Innovation Lab #2
Role Models and Partners presented the support network in NRW to PhDs and PostDocs at the UoC
P-Modul Chemistry Transfer/Innovation Series 2024 Kicks-off
Your Innovation Skills - Workshop kicked-off P-Modul Chemistry Transfer/Innovation Seminar series 2024
Think Tank "Fit im Klimawandel"
Think Tank for the first time joined project of SpoHo, TH, and UzK
Workshop Transferstrategy with IfM Cambridge
Faculty defines a transferstrategy and creates mission statement
Winners of best Innovative Potential Poster prize at Chemistry PhD Symposium 2024
Congratulations to winners, one from life sciences and one from physcial sciences, for winning the Gateway ESC a poster prize for best innovative potential