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Our Faculty

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, founded in 1955, consists of the Departments of Biology, Chemistry, Geosciences, Mathematics/Computer Science, Physics, and the Didactics of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. With about 200 professorships and more than 10,000 students, the Faculty is one of the largest in Germany.

The broad range of modern degree programmes is closely linked to the diverse and high-ranking research activities, which cover a broad spectrum of basic as well as application-oriented subjects. The above-average research strength is reflected in a large number of publications, third-party funding and participation in high-ranking national and international research cooperations. Close relations to the Faculty of Medicine,  the Max Planck Institutes, the German Aerospace Center and the Research Center Jülich strengthen the research structures and enrich the range of courses sustainably, not least through jointly appointed professors.

While outstanding research activities are to be found in all areas, the Faculty's top profile-building research fields lie in particular in Life Sciences, Physics and Materials Research, as well as Man and Environment. In 2007, the top position was confirmed by the funding of several projects within the framework of the Excellence Initiative of the Federal Government and the Länder: the excellence clusters CEPLAS, CECAD and ML4Q. In 2012 the funding was extended. The awarding of high-ranking research prizes to scientists also acknowledges outstanding research.


Departments (2023)6Exzellenzcluster (2023)3
Professuren (SoSe22)194Sonderforschungsbereiche (2023)12
Studiengänge (SoSe22)64NobelpreisträgerInnen (2023)3
Studierende (SoSe22)9'542LeibnizpreisträgerInnen (2023)5
AbsolventInnen (2020, ohne Lehramt)806Alexander-von-Humboldt Professuren (2023)3
Graduierteneinrichtungen (SoSe22)32Laufende ERC Grants (2023)8
Doctorates completed (2024)203Drittmitteleinnahmen (2020)47,6 Mio €