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Registration of Doctoral Projects carried out at the Faculty of Medicine

For a doctoral project that is to be worked on in a research group of the Faculty of Medicine, admission as a doctoral student of the IPMM, a joint program of the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, must be applied for at the Doctoral Office of the Faculty of Medicine. For exceptions see Note A. In case of any questions please contact Dr. Christoph Aszyk (Doctoral Office of the Faculty of Medicine).

After admission as a doctoral student in the IPMM, an application for admission to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and change to the Dr. rer. nat. program is only possible in the exceptional case of a pure basic science doctoral project and with the corresponding recommendation of the IPMM Doctoral Committee. If this is intended, the following must be observed and prepared well in advance:

  1. When registering in Docfile, the Faculty of Medicine and the doctoral regulations IPMM must be chosen. This Docfile registration needs to be filed before or at the beginning of the work on the doctoral project. A proposal of a Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) must also be submitted with the IPMM application documents.
  2. In parallel with the IPMM application process it is required within 3 month of starting work on the Doctoral project to register a Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) with the subject-specific Graduate School (GSfBS, CGSC, BCGS; see Note B).
  3. Within 6 months after starting the work on the Doctoral project (and if required even before the selection meeting of the IPMM Doctoral Degree Committee) a "Project Proposal" and the "Minutes of a TAC Meeting" have to be deposited in the Docfile D-File (Project-proposal.pdf and TAC-Protokoll1.pdf).
  4. In case the IPMM Doctoral Committee recommends the Doctoral Project for the Dr. rer. nat program of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences the application form "Application for admission as Doctoral Student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences" (with all required signatures) has to be deposited in the Docfile D-file (MNF-AaZ.pdf) (see note C).
  5. As soon as all necessary documents (steps 2 to 4 and see note D) are deposited in the Docfile D-file, the coordinator of the IPMM, Dr. Christoph Aszyk (Doctoral Office of the Faculty of Medicine) must be informed (at the latest within 3 months after the IPMM selection meeting).

If points 1 to 5 are fulfilled, the doctoral office of the Faculty of Medicine transfers the D-file to the doctoral office of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MNF). The MNF doctoral office then checks the formal and subject-related admission requirements. Provided that all requirements are met, an admission letter will be issued with the obligation to enroll and to participate in the Graduate School's program. Admission may be conditional and subject to study obligations that must be fulfilled by the specified deadline.  


A) Exceptions  apply for doctoral projects conducted in research groups of Professors of the Faculty of Medicine who are also members of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences or who have been awarded the general right to supervise doctoral projects in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Doctoral projects in Computer Science, Applied Mathematics and Pure Mathematics are also excluded, provided that a professor from the Department of Mathematics/Computer Science agrees to supervise them. In this case please apply as described HERE

B) Membership in the subject-specific graduate school and active participation in the graduate school's program is mandatory. The subject-specific Graduate Schools are: GSfBS for the doctoral subjects Biology and Computational Biology; CGSC for the doctoral subjects Biochemistry and Chemistry; BCGS for the doctoral subjects Biophysics, Theoretical Physics, and Experimental Physics.

C) In the form "Application for admission as a doctoral student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences" enter the following:

  • 5.1 As advisor the PI of the research group in which the doctoral project is worked on as advisor
  • 5.2 If applicable, a professor of the Faculty of Medicine as formal advisor (only if the PI of the research group is not a professor of the Faculty of Medicine or not a Group leader with the right to supervise Doctoral Projects in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences)
  • 5.4. A professor of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences who represents the doctoral subject and agrees to act as a prospective second reviewer of the doctoral thesis.
  • The application for admission form must be completed and include all signatures. It must be signed by the applicant, the advisor, if applicable the "formal advisor", the professor of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (5.4) and the coordinator of the subject specific graduate school (GSfBS, CGSC or Graduate School Mathematics/Computer Sciences).

D) Documents to be deposited in the Docfile D-file: