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Das Dekanat und das Promotionsbüro sind 27. und 28.2.25 für den Publikumsverkehr geschlossen. Die Mitarbeiter:innen befinden sich im Home Office und sind telefonisch /via Email für Sie erreichbar. Am 3.3. (Rosenmontag) ist sind beide Büros vollständig geschlossen.

Dean's Office

Dean and Vice Deans

Office hours of the deans according to agreement

Representatives of the Faculty

Dean's Office

Silke Strumpf

Nina Trommelschläger

Assistants to the Dean
Administration Lectureships, Habilitations,
Dean's Appointments

For official travel requests send a mail to mnf-dienstreiseantraege directly

Tel. +49 221-470 5643 (Strumpf)

Tel. +49 221-470 76956 (Trommelschläger)


Dr. Anke LemaireManaging Director, Dean's OfficeTel. +49 221-470 2964
A. Lemaire
Dr. Christine Benn

Deputy Managing Director Dean's Office

Office of the Dean of Studies, International Affairs, Gender Equality & Diversity

Tel. +49 221-470 4986
only in the morning
C. Benn

Anna Bode

Victoria Unruh

Professorship Appointment Procedures, Committee Elections

Tel. +49 221-470 6742 (Bode)
except Fridays

Tel. +49 221-470 6700 (Unruh)


Dr. Babette DaubornITTel. +49 221-470 89656
B. Dauborn

Inga Biss

Markus Dietrich

 Controlling, HR (Depts Didactics; Mathematics/Data Sciences; Physics)

 Controlling, HR (Depts Biology; Chemistry and Biochemistry; Geosciences)

Tel. +49 221-470 4046 (Biss)
I. Biss

Tel. +49 221-470 2031 (Dietrich)
M. Dietrich

Isabella Möllers

Eugenia Schick

Controlling, Finance

Tel. +49 221-470 2032 (Möllers)  
I. Möllers

Tel. +49 221-470 6927 (Schick)
E. Schick

Karin Gotzmann

Alexandra Grömling

 Doctoral Studies (Depts Chemistry and Biochemistry; Didactics; Geosciences; Mathematics/Data Sciences; Physics)

 Doctoral Studies (Dept Biology)

Tel. +49 221-470 89658 (Gotzmann)

Tel. +49 221-470 89659 (Grömling)

Office Hours
Doctoral Studies

Dr. Ann-Christin Schmädicke

Rafaela Dürbaum

Quality Management


Tel. +49 221-470 89657
A.-C. Schmädicke

Tel. +49 221-470 89663

R. Duerbaum

Dr. Britta Thewes

Dr. Andrea Miebach

Research Management, Tenure Track

Tel. + 49 221-470-76061
B. Thewes

Tel. + 49 221-470 4225 (Miebach)
except Wednesdays
A. Miebach

Contact research deanery