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Habilitation thesis

The following information is intended to assist you in writing your thesis:

The habilitation thesis can be written as a monograph or cumulative work (publications mainly from the last five years; appendices of these publications (i.e. summary + publications = habilitation); for joint publications, your own contribution must be presented separately).

The mentor is encouraged to check the thesis for compliance with the formal and scientific requirements before submission. Please give your mentor sufficient time to do this.

Pay attention to the following points:

  1. Originality and innovation: The thesis should contain original scientific contributions and present innovative aspects of a field of research.

  2. Scientific quality: The habilitation thesis should be characterized by high scientific quality, including precise methodology, careful data analysis and coherent argumentation.

  3. Relevance and contribution to the research field: The thesis should make a significant contribution to the relevant scientific research field and extend the existing literature.

  4. Publications: In a cumulative paper, the majority of the work should be published in journals and not in formats such as, but these may still be listed. The integration of previously published scientific articles or research results can also strengthen the quality of the monograph.

  5. Methodological diversity: The work should make appropriate use of different research methods and possibly demonstrate innovative methodological approaches.

  6. Critical reflection: A critical examination of existing theories, methods and results should be evident in the work.

  7. Comprehensible presentation: The results should be presented clearly and comprehensibly in order to be accessible to experts outside the specific subject area.

  8. Independence: The habilitation thesis should show that the author is able to work independently and autonomously in a scientific manner.

  9. Structure: The writing should have a logical structure and linguistic quality.

Formal recommendations

You can also use the following formal recommendations as a guide:

Cumulative writing
  • Cover page with title and seal
  • Introduction
  • Publication 1: Summary, share of authorship
  • Publication 2: Summary, share of authorship
  • Publication X: Summary, share of authorship
  • ....
  • Discussion and perspective
  • References
  • All publications of the paper as full articles
  • CV
  • Cover page with title and seal
  • Introduction
  • Results
  • Discussion and perspective
  • References
  • CV



Habilitation lecture

According to the habilitation regulations, the following applies:

"With the oral habilitation performance before the habilitation committee, the candidate must demonstrate his or her ability to teach academically in a lecture and discussion. The approximately twenty-minute lecture should show that the habilitation candidate can bring new aspects to a scientific topic, that he or she is able to present this topic in a comprehensible form and that he or she has comprehensive specialist knowledge and the ability to engage in scientific discussion. The habilitation lecture is also the public introductory lecture."

The proposed topics consist of a title and an abstract. They are not submitted with the application, but only in the course of the procedure. The topics given must not be closely related to the dissertation and habilitation thesis and must be different in content. A look at the list of previous presentations will help you find a topic. Close coordination with the mentor is generally recommended. The language of the topic suggestions is also the language of the presentation. You will be informed of the chosen topic 3 weeks before the lecture date. In the case of rehabilitation, the topic is submitted directly and does not have to be voted on.

Following the lecture, you will be awarded the Venia legendi after a positive faculty decision.