Appointments Winter semester 2024/25
Acceptances (UoC)
Dr. Julian Quinting, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, has accepted the appointment to the W1 professorship in Energy Meteorology (with tenure track to W2)
Dr. Svenja Riedesel, Technical University of Denmark, has accepted the W1 professorship in Critical Zone Research (with tenure track to W2)
Dr. Arshia Jacob, Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, has accepted the appointment to the W2 professorship in Experimental Physics (Observational Astronomy) (with tenure track to W3)
Professor Dr. Anke Nölscher, University of Bayreuth, has accepted the appointment to the W3 professorship in Atmospheric Chemistry (according to the Jülich model with Forschungszentrum Jülich)
Professor Dr. Andreas Winter, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, has accepted the appointment to the W3 Alexander von Humboldt professorship in Quantum Information and Computation
Dr. Eva Pfannerstill, Forschungszentrum Jülich, has accepted the appointment to the W1 professorship in meteorology (with tenure track to W2) (according to the Jülich model with Forschungszentrum Jülich)
Professor Dr. Jonas Lührmann, Texas A&M University, has accepted the appointment to the W2 professorship in Analysis
Dr. Fabian Kugler, Flatiron Institute, has accepted the appointment to the W1 professorship in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Dr. Felix Motzoi, Forschungszentrum Jülich, has accepted the appointment to the W2 professorship in Theoretical Physics (with tenure track to W2) (according to the Jülich model with Forschungszentrum Jülich)
Professor Dr. Olivia Masseck, University of Bremen, has accepted the appointment to the W2 professorship in Neuroscience
Professor Dr. Eva Müller-Hill, University of Rostock, has accepted the appointment to the W2 professorship in Mathematics Education
Professor Dr. Oliver Dumele, University Freiburg, has accepted the appointment to the W3 professorship in Organic Chemistry
PD Dr. Patrick Fink, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH UFZ, has accepted the appointment to the W3 professorship in General Ecology
Dr. Nithin Varma, Chennai Mathematical Institute, has accepted the appointment to the W1 professorship in Efficient Algorithms
Dr. Urban Seifert, University of Cologne, has accepted the appointment to the W1 professorship in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Appointment offers (UoC)
Dr. Anna Poetsch, Dresden University of Technology, has been offered the W2 professorship in Computational and Systems Biology of Aging and Aging-Associated Diseases
Dr. Daniel Wehner, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, has been offered the W2 professorship in Regenerative Biology
PD Jörn Bruns has been appointed to a W2 professorship for Inorganic Chemistry at Clausthal University of Technology
Dr. Christoph Kastl, Technical University of Munich, has been offered the W2 professorship in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Professor Dr. Andreas Winter, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, has been offered the W3 Alexander von Humboldt professorship in Quantum Information and Computation
PD Dr. Jana Börner, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, has been offered the W2 professorship in Applied Geophysics
Dr. Svenja Riedesel, Technical University of Denmark, has been offered the W1 professorship in Critical Zone Research (with tenure track to W2)
Dr. Rieke Ammoneit, University of Marburg, has been offered the W1 professorship in Geography Didactics (with tenure track to W3)
PD Dr. Princekumar Ravat, University of Würzburg, has been offered the W2 Heisenberg professorship in Organic Chemistry
Dr. Marcel Reutzel, University of Göttingen, has been offered the W2 professorship in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Professor Dr. Hannes Schmalor, Ruhr University Bochum, has been offered the W1 professorship in Geography Didactics (with tenure track to W3)
Dr. Julian Quinting, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, has been offered the W1 professorship in Energy Meteorology (with tenure track to W2)
PD Dr. Kathrin Wimmer, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, has been offered the W3 professorship in Precision Experiments Exploiting Ion Beam Accelerators and Storage Rings at GSI/FAIR
Dr. Urban Seifert, University of Cologne, has been appointed to the W1 professorship in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Dr. Eva Pfannerstill, Forschungszentrum Jülich, has been appointed to the W1 professorship in meteorology (with tenure track to W2) (according to the Jülich model with Forschungszentrum Jülich)
Dr. Fabian Kugler, Flatiron Institute, has been appointed to the W1 professorship in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Appointment offers by other universities/institutions
Dr.' Isabel Saur has been appointed to a W1/W3 TT professorship for applied biocatalysis at KIT Karlsruhe.
PD Dr Kenneth Dumack has been appointed to a W2 professorship for Aquatic Ecosystem Analysis at the University of Koblenz.
Professor Dr. Aleksandar Bojchevski, Division of Computer Science, has been offered the W3 professorship in Data Analytics and Computational Statistics by the University of Konstanz
Professor Dr. Kathrin Ulrich, Institute for Biochemistry, has been offered the W2 professorship in Molecular Cell Biology by the Saarland University
Professor Dr. Moritz Herzog, Institut für Mathematikdidaktik, has been offered the W2 professorship in Mathematics Education (Förderschwerpunkt Lernen mit Schwerpunkt Mathematische Grundbildung) by the University of Kassel.
Professor Dr. Andreas Vogelsang, Department of Computer Science, has been appointed to a W3 professorship in Software Systems Engineering at the University of Duisburg-Essen
Professor Dr. Kathrin Ulrich, Institute of Biochemistry, has been appointed to a W2 professorship in Molecular Cell Biology (with tenure track to W3) at Saarland University
Professor Dr. Ann-Marie Waldvogel, Institute of Zoology, has been appointed to a W3 professorship in Global Change Limnology at the Technical University of Munich
Rejections of appointment offers by other universities/institutions
Acceptances to other universities/institutions
Honorary/Supernumerary Professorships